Free Wawa Coffee for Teachers in September in NJ, PA
Oh you're going to love this news if you're a teacher or school administrator. If you're not, tell all your teacher and administrator friends so they don't miss out.
It's back again for 2022. Wawa is wishing teachers and school administrators well as they go back to school for the 2022-23 school year by giving them FREE COFFEE DURING THE WHOLE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. Wow.
Yes, you heard me right, free coffee through the month of September. I told you you'd love this news. That's a lot of coffee.
Here's the deal: It's Wawa's Cheers to Classrooms event. All teachers and school administrators in New Jersey and Pennsylvania (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC too) are welcome to grab free coffee all day, everyday from Thursday, September 1st through Friday, September 30th.
I'm sure there's a Wawa near you. If there's not, find one asap. Lol. Stop on your way to school and fill up. It has to be hot coffee and can be any size. Bring it to the register along with your school id and you're good to go.
This will give our teachers and administrators the fuel they need to teach and inspire their students.
Wawa said in a statement, "Wawa is excited to bring back its Cheers to Classrooms initiative to put a smile on the faces of teachers and administration that work so hard to do the same for children in our community.
My sister is a elementary school teacher and so are a lot of my friends. I can't wait to tell them they can get free coffee.
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