Where Does New Jersey Rank in a List of the Best States To Live In?
USA Today just published a "Best States To Live In" list that ranks all 50 states in U.S. The overall rankings are based on 10-year population change, annual unemployment, poverty rate, and life expectancy at birth. So where does New Jersey rank on the list?
The Garden State, which got points for the poverty rate (the 7th lowest in the U.S.) and an 80.0 year life expectancy (10th highest), ended up ranked as the 6th best state to live in. The only states to rank higher overall than New Jersey were: 1) Massachusetts, 2) New Hampshire, 3) Connecticut, 4) Colorado, and 5) Minnesota.
As far as neighboring states go, New York ranked #16, Pennsylvania ranked #25, and Delaware ranked #30.
By the way, Mississippi ranked at the bottom of the list. To check out the complete list, click here.