23 Businesses That Should Come to Bucks County, Pa. in 2023
Nestled between Philadelphia and Central Jersey, Bucks County, Pa. is home to a ton of great local businesses that we love.
But what chain restaurants and retailers is the area missing? I certainly had some opinions so I made a list.
In an area (such as ours) that is constantly evolving and growing, we're always dreaming of what could be next.
In fact, this is always a great topic of conversation amongst locals. So I recently my friends and family in Bucks County to weigh in on a controversial topic: what (chain) businesses do you want to see come to our area?
Before we get to the list, I'll be explicitly clear: we love mom-and-pop businesses in our area. But if you've ever traveled away from the Northeast and our area, in particular, you know there are some chain businesses in particular that you'd love to try right here in our area.
We see them advertised on TV contstantly too. So we know that we're missing out on some good stuff.
It does, however, seem like every time we debate such a topic in our area that it naturally goes to food. So I kind of expected to see a bunch of comments for burger eateries like Whataburger and In-N-Out, and those were certainly mentioned in the comments on Facebook this weekend when I asked.
But, as you'll see below, there were quite a few eateries that I was surprised to see on the list.
Now every time I drive around Bensalem or Morrisville, I am going to be wondering if one of these businesses can open in any of the vacancies that we see.
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