4th Annual Police Vs Fire Dodgeball Tournament
Often times police officers and firefighters create big crowds and its usually when they are heading to a call or assisting someone in an emergency. This time around the police officers and firefighters want to get a good crowd going but for a good cause.
The money collected from the 4th Annual Police vs Fire Dodgeball Tournament benefits families in need in New Jersey areas during the holidays. The organizer and Deputy Chief of Riverside Fire, Simon Santos, mentioned that police and fire departments usually only bond during emergency calls. So, they decided to create an activity that would give the fire responders the chance to help the community and "allow these professionals the opportunity to interact with the public in a way that is not so rigid."
Most of the first responders have an extremely competitive spirit. Trust us, there's nothing better than being a part of the 4th Annual Police vs Fire Dodgeball Tournament. Santos mentioned, "We just have this longstanding, good, competitive rivalry with the Police departments. But really, we work with the men and women of the Police department on the street every day.”
On November 16th at 6:30 pm the 4th Annual Police vs Fire Dodgeball Tournament will be held at the Riverside High School gymnasium in Riverside, NJ. Admission for adults is $5. Seniors and students are $3.00.
NOTE: 94.5 PST is not associated with this event in an official capacity. Please contact the event organizers directly for more details.
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