A Race for Parking at the Freehold Raceway Mall
Want to go shopping this summer at the Freehold Raceway Mall and hoping to find a good parking spot… GOOD LUCK.
In December 2017 the mall announced they would be charging their patrons for parking spots this summer. The designated parking spots are located between Macy’s and Nordstrom’s prime lots for premium parking. Luckily, for our shoppers paid parking is only on Saturdays and Sundays. Irritated patrons of the mall took to Facebook on the matter.
Shore News Network quoted Jackson Resident Anna Tyler from Facebook “Here’s a crazy idea, why not do something to encourage people to shop at the mall?”
“Stores are losing business to online shopping and they are going to charge for parking in certain places. You’d think they’d do something to entice patrons to come shop. Think they have their marketing strategy a** backwards.” stated on Shore News Network.
Even though this is a cause for concern the company is hoping to eliminate traffic and benefit their best customers. If you plan on going to the mall this weekend make sure to bring your walking shoes or pay the price.