Have You Heard of The Philly Joker?
Believe it or not, Philadelphia has its very own Joker. You may have seen him, you may have not. But there is a man who dresses in a full blown Joker costume who rides up and down the streets of Philly on what he calls his "Joker Mobile." Now this isn't some sort of sick joke (no pun intended.) This guy actually has given himself the title of "The Joker" and has not let the people of Philly down since.
No one knows his actual name. We don't know where he lives, what his job is other than being the Philly Joker during the day, and we don't know why he does what he does. All we know is that since 2020, he has been riding his purple motorcycle in full Joker costume and makeup; purple suit, green hair, painted face and all.
People have taken to social media to share stories of when and where they have seen the Philly Joker. One woman expressed on Redditt that she was driving on Aramingo Road between Somerset and Allegheny when she saw him weaving in and out of traffic. Another person said they once saw him on South Broad street.
Some people find his antics amusing, others think its sick and twisted. The Philly Joker even has his own Instagram account.
I guess he might be trying to give the Bucks County Batman a run for his money. How much would you pay to see a duel between the Philly Joker and the Bucks County Batman?
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