Here’s Where You Can Drop Off Your Completed Mail-In Election Ballot in Mercer County:
Mail-in ballots will be sent to ALL of New Jersey's registered voters this year. So you'll be receiving your mail-in ballot soon in Mercer County (if you haven't already).
If you are voting by mail, you have several options for returning your ballot this year. The county has set up dropboxes throughout the area that you can drop your ballot off. We have a listing of those below.
Options for submitting your ballot include:
You can place your mail in ballot into a mailbox and it will be sent through the USPS. Ballots must be postmarked by the day of the election (November 3) and they must be received within 48 hours of the closing of polls.
You can also hand deliver your ballot to the polling location on November 3 from 5:15 am-8:00 pm.
Drop boxes will be open beginning in October 2020 until General Election Night of November 3, 2020, at 8:00 pm.
Here's a list of the drop off locations for your maill in ballot in Mercer County:
- East Windsor Police Station – 80 One Mile Road, East Windsor, NJ, 08520 (Courthouse)
- Ewing Municipal Building – 2 Jake Garzio Drive, Ewing, NJ, 08628 (In Front)
- Hamilton Golf/Call Center – 5 Justice Samuel A. Alito Way, Hamilton, NJ, 08619
- Hamilton Municipal Building – 2090 Greenwood Avenue, Hamilton, NJ, 08609 (Right side of Bldg.)
- Nottingham Firehouse – 200 Mercer Street, Hamilton Square, NJ, 08690 (Right side of Bldg.)
- Hightstown Firehouse #1 – 140 N. Main Street, Hightstown, NJ, 08520 (Front of Bldg.)
- Hopewell Township Administration Building – 201 Washington Crossing-Pennington Rd, Titusville, NJ 08560 (at the intersection of Scotch Road)
- Lawrence Municipal Building – 2207 Lawrenceville Rd, (Rt 206) Lawrence, NJ 08648 (North Side-Right Side of the Municipal Bldg.)
- Princeton Municipal Building – 400 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ, 08540(Front of Bldg. facing Witherspoon)
- Robbinsville Municipal Building, 2298 NJ-33, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 (In the back parking lot of Municipal Bldg.)
- County Clerk’s Office- Courthouse Annex- 209 S. Broad Street, Trenton, NJ, 08608 (in front)
- Trenton City Hall – 319 E. State Street, Trenton, NJ, 08608 (In back/ near Municipal Clerks Office)
- Henry J. Austin Center – 321 N. Warren St, Trenton, NJ, 08618(Corner of Tucker)
Trenton Central High School – 400 Chambers Street, Trenton, NJ, 08609(across from McDonald’s)
- West Windsor Municipal Complex, 271 Clarksville Rd, West Windsor, NJ,08550 (Between the Municipal building and the Senior Center)
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