Why Is This Philadelphia Billboard Causing Such a Stir?
A billboard has Philadelphia talking, and most think it's the "ultimate Philly sin." Do you?
We're talking about a billboard from the injury attorney group Morgan & Morgan. It features their founding attorney, John Morgan. It recently went up on the Vine Street Expressway near the exit for 23rd Street.
So here's the billboard:
Are you outraged by the image?
Well, Jenice Armstrong with The Philadelphia Inquirer calls it the "ultimate Philly sin," because Morgan isn't from Philly and he seems to be acting like he's from here.
Since moving to Philadelphia, I have realized how seriously Philadelphians take this.
I've lived here for five years, and I'm not even sure that Philadelphians would agree that I am one of their own just yet? (Am I?)
But the term 'jawn' is SO Philadelphia. It has deep roots in the Black Philadelphia dialect and has been claimed by all Philadelphians in the modern-day.
But John Morgan is NOT in Philadelphia. He didn't grow up here. He doesn't live here.
So he did tell the Inquirer that a member of his creative team suggested the pun on his name John. Apparently, all of the firm's advertising is done in-house.
Yes, they were the same ones who had that questionable 'Size Matters' campaign last year, Orlando Weekly reports. Members of that internal team were actually fired in that catastrophe.
Now John Morgan is a smart guy. He said he wanted to be top of mind and stir the pot a little bit, he told The Inquirer.
I have seen this billboard several times over the past two weeks. And it caught my attention, but to be honest, I didn't realize that John Morgan wasn't a local attorney. I just thought it was a BAD attempt at a pun.
Morgan & Morgan is actually a national law firm, and apparently, like EVERYONE knew this except me? (Really?)
So when I realized he wasn't a local guy, I questioned it too.
But for now, the billboard isn't going anywhere, however, and we're all still talking about it. So I guess the goal is accomplished?