Grocery shopping is either one of your favorite errands to run or your absolute definition of a nightmare.

For me, I love grocery shopping. Going through the isles and seeing all of the new products plus brainstorming the new recipes I can make with all of the goodies I’m about to get is a lot of fun.

If you aren’t a cooking fan or a foodie, then grocery shopping is probably not one of your top 10 errands.

Around New Jersey and Pennsylvania, We have a wide variety of grocery stores in our area that I would say are pretty much everyone’s go-to food stores.

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Just to name a few, Shop Rite, Wegmans, Stop & Shop, and Trader Joe’s are some of the popular stores in our area. Whole Foods and Aldi are super popular as well right here in the PA and New Jersey area.

Everyone is partial to their favorite stores whether that’s a local market or a big-name chain like some of the ones listed above and we’re partial to going to that store exclusively.

A new study by YouGov has officially named America’s most popular grocery store; shockingly, there are 367 of them in New Jersey ALONE according to XMap!

Even though this has been named the most popular grocery store in America, many of us will probably not even consider it a “grocery store” at all.

America’s Favorite Grocery Store Has Over 300 New Jersey Locations

Canadian Retail Operator Makes Bid To Buy 7-Eleven
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According to a new study by YouGov, 7-11 has taken the top spot as the most popular grocery store in America. I can’t imagine most people do the bulk of their grocery shopping at 7-11, though.

The most you can get is a Slurpee, some beef jerky, and a cheap coffee. I wouldn’t exactly call it the go-to spot for milk and bread in America, but apparently, this is where a lot of us are getting our food for the week.

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