New Safe Online Exchange Zone Set Up in Lawrence
About a year ago I discovered the online yard sale groups on facebook, and I have to admit, although the people that have bought stuff from me have been very nice so far, I always cringe a little bit at the thought of giving a complete stranger my address to pick up whatever I sold them. So, I always agreed to meet them in a public, crowded shopping center where I felt safe...and I always brought my husband with me. Lately, I've been hearing about towns setting up these "safe zones" because more and more people are selling stuff online. Lawrence has jumped onboard and I applaud them. This is such a great thing. It's a yellow, metal, parking sign by a parking space, that reads, Safe Exchange Zone. It also says that this area is being monitored by video surveillance and is provided for the protection of the citizens of Lawrence Twp. Fabulous. So, you can meet the person you sold something to on Facebook, Craig's List, or wherever and do the exchange. It's at the Municipal building on Lawrence Road, with the police station right next door. It seems to be getting good response from residents in the facebook comments on the Township of Lawrence's facebook page.
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