Newtown Athletic Club is Free For Adults on Tuesdays in November
The Newtown Athlectic Club is launching a new promotion next month.
It's called 'Together Tuesdays' which will waive guest fees for adults every Tuesday all November.
FYI you must me 24-year-old or older to qualify for participation in the promotion.
I mean, with Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving meals ahead this is something you might want to take advantage of.
'Together Tuesdays' is basically where "Community members can come to the NAC free of charge "no matter where you live, what you do or what fitness looks like to you."" says, patch.com.
The Newtown Athlectic Club's end goal is to invite people who are not a part of their club to check it out on Tuesdays and participate in activities you would normally need a membership for. Their hoping that it will be a positive way to promote socialization and physical activity, according to patch.com.
Check out more information about 'Together Tuesdays' here.
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