Pan-Handler Gets The Boot From New Jersey
If you ever drive by Hamilton Ave. & Rt 129 you probably have gotten hustled by José. Yeah, that's the panhandlers name that has been causing trouble in the area for many years now. He was infamously known for pooping in front of a cop car and having altercations with drivers.
However, it seems like the era of José at the corner of Hamilton Ave. & Rt 129 has come to an end. José will be with family now after receiving a one-way ticket to Florida. The exact location was not disclosed to the public.
This one-way ticket that José received was at zero cost to him. He luckily benefited from the New Jersey Transit Police Department’s Outreach Program. This particular program is made to "help at-risk individuals access the services they may need to help them get back on their feet.”
Good luck in Florida José!
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