Planet Fitness Coming to The Shoppes at Foxmoor
Planet Fitness is coming soon to The Shoppes at Foxmoor in Robbinsville, according to The Shoppe's Facebook post.
This is great news for those of you who made a New Year's resolution to get in shape, and I'm sure there are a lot of you...getting in shape is a pretty popular resolution. New Year, New You, right?
The picture of the shopping center reveals it will be where the old Marazzo's Thriftway was, although Sam Marrazzo hasn't owned the store since 2006. According to NJ.com, a couple bought it from him, but, it was foreclosed on by 2009, when Raymond McFall and his parents bought it. They own 2 other Thriftways in the area. McFall announced its closing in 2011, due to stiff competition from Shop Rite and Acme, down the road on Route 33 in Hamilton.
It doesn't look like the new Planet Fitness will be in the entire space previously taken up by the grocery store. The Stem Academy will take over some space at the end of the strip mall.
If you're thinking about joining, go check out the other Planet Fitness locations in this area. Click here to find one near you.
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