Rowan College at Burlington County Ranks In Top 25 Best Community Colleges Nationwide, Study Says
Rowan College at Burlington County is getting some positive national recognition from a new ranking just shared by Wallet Hub.
Yeah, Rowan College at Burlington County has just been ranked the 24th best community college in the United States, according to Wallet Hub and’s survey.
The survey looked at 710 community colleges across the country, and evaluated them on three key dimensions, researchers say.
Researches said they looked at the cost and financing options, the education outcomes (like student retention rates and graduation rates), and career outcomes (like return on educational investment and the median salaries for graduates).
Of the 710 colleges:
Rowan College at Burlington County ranked 245th on the list for cost and financing
482 for the educational outcomes rank
... But the school did VERY well in career outcomes. Yeah, Burlington ranked 15th in the nation for “career outcomes.”
Also in our area:
Mercer County Community College ranked 131st (out of 702) in the country.
Camden County Community College ranked 212th (out of 702) in the country.
Bucks County Community College ranked 602nd (out of 702) in the country.
* Bucks County Community College ranks 692nd in the country for cost and financing, according to WalletHub’s methodology.
You can read more about WalletHub’s methodology and findings by clicking here.
Editor's note: The WalletHub website
lists the college simply as Burlington County Community College. The college was renamed to Rowan College at Burlington County Community College in 2015 to reflect the partnership between the two schools.