Smoother and Richer Than Ice Cream! Here’s Where To Get Amazing Gelato in the NJ/Philly Area
It's hot outside, and you need something cold and sweet to beat the heat! There's ice cream, custard, water ice, milkshakes, fro-yo...
Yes, they're all delicious spring/summertime cold treats. You wouldn't be wrong to go with any of those amazing options....But let's put those on the back burner for a second.
Let's talk about gelato.
What exactly is gelato?
Although gelato looks very similar to ice cream, they are not to be confused. Gelato is an Italian dessert made from all the same basic ingredients as ice cream: milk, cream, and sugar. In fact, the word "gelato" means "ice cream" in Italian. What sets gelato apart is that the recipe calls for more milk and less cream than ice cream, and is typically made without egg yolks. It's also typically served at a lower temperate and contains less air than ice cream, according to the Food Network.
As a result, gelato is smoother. denser. creamier....and more intense in flavor.
Just look at this texture! She is thicc... Tell me you don't want to just lap that all up.
As much as I love water ice, milkshakes, ice cream, etc., in my opinion, gelato is the superior frozen treat. I said what I said.
When I traveled to Italy when I was a teenager, gelato made up about 75% of my diet. It was basically my crack.
I mean how can you walk by a display like this and not want to dunk your head inside to devour all of it?
Fortunately, we don't need a ticket to Italy to indulge in the sweet smoothness of gelato. Although it's not as commonplace as ice cream around here, there are still places where you can grab some delicious gelato in the Jersey/Philly area. Let's take a look!
Here's Where To Get Smooth, Rich Gelato in the NJ/Philadelphia Area
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