Teen Is Trying To Move Super Bowl To Saturday
We are sure many people either go to work hungover or just call in sick the day after the Super Bowl. A lot of us believe that it should be a national holiday and have the day off. Or maybe they should just move the big game to a Saturday.
As a matter of fact, there is a young man, 16-year-old Frankie Ruggeri, that is trying to start a petition to get the Super Bowl moved to a Saturday instead of Sunday, according to fox29.com. That is just a one day switch, is it really that big of a deal?
Obviously Ruggeri isn't worried about having to call in sick to work, but he is trying to "help increase viewership with more people having off from school and work the day after the Super Bowl," according to Fox 29.
It was also mentioned on Fox29.com that the 16-year-old was getting close to his goal of 7,500 signatures. Ruggeri created a petition on Charge.org to get all of the signatures.
Hey Ruggeri, don’t worry, we’re with you on this one.