They’re Legit. Hamilton Has New Police Cars
The Hamilton Police Division announced recently on Facebook, that they have new police vehicles hitting the streets. Obviously, the design is different from the current police cruisers, so they wanted the public to be aware.
The post says, "please be advised that during our transition period, citizens can expect to see our black and white police vehicles as well as the newly designed vehicles patrolling our community."
Did you heat that? They are legit. With all the scammers and imposters out in the world these days, it's so smart for them to alert the public, so you know they are truly Hamilton Police cars.
There were many comments on facebook about the new design, mostly positive. One person said that the force needed dependable cars, possibly alluding to the fact that their current cars are old and dated. There were some negative comments saying that the money spent on the cars should have gone to road repairs, and another comment read that the cars should be brighter, so anyone needing an officer can quickly spot a car.
No matter what your opinion, you're going to be seeing more of these on the roads of Hamilton, Mercer County, so heads up.