We're in the thick of winter now with temps feeling like the teens, or even lower, some days.

Do you enjoy winter?

I find as I get older, I'm not as much of a fan as I used to be.

A woman have cold on the sofa at home with winter coat

I love it when it's cold and snowy for Christmas so my life can be like one of those adorable, picturesque Hallmark movies, but after that, we can skip right to spring.

I don't ski or go snow-tubing, so snow to me, is often just a pain to deal with, having to go to work, no matter what the conditions.

Besides the snow, there are days when I just can't get warm.

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Have you had days like that?

I'll have a chill that lasts for hours, and I hate it.

I don't love cranking the heat at home because along with that comes high heating bills.

A person lowers temperature on a home thermostat. Enegry saving concept

I love sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, but I can't do that all day long. I've got to get out, go to work, and handle all my other responsibilities.

Speaking of going out and about, you have to think ahead when it's cold because your car is much more comfortable when it's warmed up.

When I forget it warm up my car before I leave for work, it doesn't warm up before I get to the office because I only have a ten-minute commute.

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There are things you shouldn't leave in your car during cold weather. 

Pay close attention to the list below.

15 Things You Should Never Leave in Your Car in Cold Weather

You have to be careful what you leave in your car in the winter because the cold weather can have a negative effect on many things. Here's a list of what you should never leave behind when you get out of your car when it's cold outside.

Gallery Credit: Chris Rollins

QUIZ: Can you identify 50 famous companies by their logos?

How well do you know the logos of 50 of the world's most famous companies? Keep scrolling to see if you can guess which icon belongs to which brand.

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