If you ever wondered what was the most popular alcoholic drink in Philadelphia, well wonder no more. I just read on Philly Voice there is one drink that reigns supreme in the city of Philadelphia. According to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board annual report for 2017-2018 most Philadelphians spent their money on vodka.

Here is the total break down of what alcoholic spirits sold the most in Philly:

- Vodka: $41.3 million
- Whiskey: $37.2 million
- Red table wine: $34.0 million
- Brandy/cognac: $29.4 million
- White table wine: $22.8 million
- Rum: $13.3 million
- Tequila: $12.1 million
- Sparkling: $11.9 million
- Liqueur or cordials: $9.8 million
- Box wine: $9.17 million

The article even mentions that this year in Pennsylvania wine and spirits retails sales up 8.7 percent from previous Super Bowl weekends. They said it was because of something they dubbed as the "The Eagles Effect." In 2018 sales were at $20.6 million across three days. I don't know if we needed an official report to tell us that because the world saw those wine and spirit sales in effect from the news coverage from Broad Street.

To read more on this go here



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