What Do New Jersey & Pennsylvania Fear the Most?
We found a report about what each state fears the most.
The answers varied from being alone to public speaking and even spiders via Google Trends. The data was gathered by YourLocalSecurity.com, partner of SafeStreets—an ADT Authorized Provider—aims to provide the security tools and information needed to build a safer home environment.
So what are New Jersey and Pennsylvania scared of the most? Well, New Jerseans fear the dark and Pennsylvanias fear flying. While gathering this data they found that these terms were bring searched the most during this pandemic. You can see what the rest of the country is scare of most by clicking here.
I can totally understand both New Jersey and Pennsylvania's fears. There's something about darkness that is just absolutely terrifying. Is something about to jump out and grab me? If I turn on the light, will someone be standing right in front of me? I also hate being alone when it's dark out, but when it's light out, I find it wonderful.
I always said I want to live in Alaska where The Proposal (with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds) was filmed because it never gets dark there, like ever. So I guess I fit in with the Jersey people who have this fear.
I also can relate to Pennsylvanians and their biggest fear. Flying is one of those things that makes me extremely nervous, but I love to travel, so I try not to let it get to me.
As long as I have my husband there, I sort of lay down on his lap during take-off and landing and I'm pretty calm. Once we're up in the sky, I'm good, as long as there is no turbulence. Ughhh that's the worst. So I don't think Pennsylvania and New Jersey have outrageous fears, but California is afraid of social media, really?
Aren't half of the people that live there celebrities?
Check out more findings from YourLocalSecurity.com here.