What Is the Favorite Scary Movie for New Jersey’s & Pennsylvania?
Every October, it's almost a tradition because I try and watch as many horror movies as I can leading up to Halloween. Within the last week I saw "Hell Fest" and and the new "Halloween (2018)." If you're curious, I would recommend both those films if you're looking for a fun scary movie night.
While I was looking through Instagram I came across an article that from Insider that showed the most popular horror movie from each state. I went through the list and saw that Pennsylvania and my home state of New Jersey shared a loved for the same horror movie: "The Silence of the Lambs."
I was surprised to see that movie be the favorite in NJ and PA, but if you read the full article you'll see it's the favorite horror movie in four other states as well. I guess I have to remind myself that it's a great movie and the character, Hannibal Lecter, is iconic.
See the full list here.
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