What’s Falling From The Sky In New Jersey?
According to NBC New York, an employee working at a solar panel field in South Brunswick, New Jersey on Tuesday discovered a device that floated from the sky by parachute that contained the following handwritten message, "Research Instrument. NOT a bomb. If this lands near the President, we at NASA wish him a great round of golf"
Law enforcement officers were called to the scene to ensure that the item was not a threat to safety. Law officials, who were not pleased with the stunt, had to be extra cautious since President Trump was on vacation at the time at his golf club in Bedminster, NJ.
NASA explained that the device was a weather balloon instrument. In partnership with the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study, NASA is currently conducting a multi-agency air quality study in the northeast. The instrument that landed in South Brunswick was launched from a site from Rutgers University.
NASA spokesman Allard Beutel released a statement apologizing for the concerns following the instrument's hand written note, "we are taking steps to standardize the labeling on these scientific instruments." It was determined that a student employee at NASA added the note to the instrument. Beutel advised that the student was removed from the project, adding that the message was a, "misguided attempt to be lighthearted."
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