What’s that Noise? It’s McGuire Dix Lakehurst
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JBMDL) have released their "Noise Level Calendar" for the month of May, according to TAPinto Hamilton/Robbinsville.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a post on Facebook asking, "Did anyone just hear that loud noise? What is it? Usually, people commenting will speculate that it's fireworks or, a loud car, but, it just may be the military base close by.
I love that they release this monthly calendar so we know what the noises are and where they've coming from.
I don't think many people know this calendar exists, based on the number of local social media posts that ask "What the heck is that?" It's broken down into "level of noise" categories...slight, moderate, and abundant. According to this month's calendar, it's mostly a "slight" and "moderate" month. There are only two days labeled as "abundant" noise days. Those days are tomorrow (Tuesday, May 4th) and May 14th (Friday).
So, what is the noise from? This is fascinating to me. It's our military in action, training, for all possible scenarios. It's not known what the specific training exercises are, but, the article states the drills, "can range from artillery training to explosive disposal training to mortar training-- which typically leads to the loudest noise levels."
Now you know. So, before posting on social media asking what's going on with all the noises, check out the calendar here.
Be aware though, the schedule could change because of the weather and training requirements. Plus, the clouds in the sky can make the noises travel farther.
So interesting.