Shopping malls are reopening very soon, which is so exciting. Let's be real, online shopping is fun but it's not the same as going to the actual mall. Bucks County Courier Times reported that two Bucks County malls, Oxford Valley and Willow Grove Park mall, will be reopening as soon as the green phase goes into effect. If you didn't know, that is this Friday, June 26.

Just like restaurants and small stores, the malls will be following some very strict guidelines to protect the staff members as well as the frequent mall shoppers.

According to (owners of Willow Grove Mall), here are some of the measures that will be followed by the malls:

  • Random common seating areas at shopping malls are removed or it will be extremely limited.
  • You will be able to find multiple sanitizing locations throughout the malls.
  • The shopping malls will have designated entrance and exit doors to keep a headcount and make sure to maintain a good occupancy level while continuing to practice social distancing.
  • Doors, elevators, escalators, and any frequently touched areas will be disinfected very often.
  • Public restrooms will be available but very limited and only every other sink will be available.
  • Food courts can possibly have limited to no seating areas.

These are just some of the restrictions shared by If you would like to know more about the restrictions make sure to visit their website.

The president of Simon Properties, John Rulli, told Bucks County Courier Times, “We will reopen the center in compliance with governor Wolf’s reopening plan."

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