Have you ever listened to the radio and thought, "Hey, I could do that?"

Well, now's your chance to prove it because we're giving you a chance to be a guest DJ during PopCrush on PST with Kayla Thomas. And you know we'll make it a great time.

Our guest DJ will get to experience what it's like to be a DJ right here at 94.5 PST, and since we like a good time... you know we'll hook you up:

You'll get a VIP-ST tour of everything behind the scenes here at PST, and then...

We'll put YOU on the radio as a PST Guest DJ.

When you're done we'll even hook you up with a recording of your show and some PST swag. That recording be great to share on social media, right?

To enter to be a PST Guest DJ, here's how you enter:

Good luck and we can't wait to see you at PST!

Please note: the submission form is only is visible on the 94.5 PST App (not on our website).

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