You’ve Gotta See the Dyker Heights Christmas Lights this Holiday
This time of year, everyone is looking for light shows where they can either walk or drive through beautiful Christmas light displays. There are many in our state, but in case you want to venture a little further, might I suggest driving to a borough in Brooklyn names Dyker Heights? I went to Dyker Heights years ago with my husband and my Mother in Law and it truly was a sight to see. It's a beautiful tourist attraction with so many houses that deck their houses out in Christmas lights for thousands to come and see.
if you've never been, the pictures below, are from prior years.
The best part is, you can see the Dyker Heights Christmas Lights for $0. (tolls and gas money aside) Money is tight around the holiday season, so it's nice to be able to do something with the family that is holiday themed and absolutely free. You can get some good information about the Dyker Heights Christmas Lights here.
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