A New Wawa Approved for Hamilton Township
Get ready, Hamilton Township, another Wawa's coming to town, according to TAPinto Hamilton/Robbinsville.
The Hamilton Township Planning Board just approved a new Wawa to be built near the Whitehorse Circle. I can hear the cheers now...everybody loves Wawa, right? I don't even like coffee, but, Wawa's iced, french vanilla coffee is delicious. My bestie, PST's Dave, eats there regularly...his favorites are the Mac & Cheese, the soft pretzels, the hot turkey bowls, and the Sizzli's.
Of course, this new location will have a convenience store, and plenty of gas pumps for you to refuel...12 to be exact. The entrance and exit will be on Route 206, which is a busy roadway, so bring your patience. But, if you want to get to South Broad Street, the article says you'll have to use the road behind Midas Tires. Trucks will use the Bordentown Road entrance, where they can more easily and safely turn.
Some of the residents in that area were concerned about the noise that this new Wawa would bring. Their concerns were heard, and the planning board is having acoustic barriers put up in the area to block some of the noise. Underground retention basins are also going to be installed because that area tends to see some localized flooding.
Council President Rick Tighe said, "This is a redevelopment of a long vacant gas station property and re-purposing of some homes facing a busy highway. This project brings in tax revenue and benefits this community with jobs. Wawa also has been a good corporate citizen in Hamilton Township."
I'll let you know when it's going to open.
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