See someone illegally dumping their trash? Report them for a cash incentive in this South Jersey city.

Camden, New Jersey is taking a bold step to minimize illegal trash dumping in the city. City officials say they're rolling out a $500,000 new program to install a network of 120 cameras around the city to catch and deter people from dumping their trash.

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Camden Commissioner Al Dyer expressed his frustration, saying:

"Seeing the stupidity of some contractors and landlords, that were either too lazy or looking to save money, dump their trash on our streets is always appalling, but now those same individuals will need to think twice before they act."

See a trash dumper? Report them for payment.

If you've ever witnessed somebody carelessly tossing their trash or illegally dumping garbage where it doesn't belong, you know how frustrating it can be (if you actually care about cleanliness).

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If anyone witnesses trash dumping in the city, they can report the violator if they can provide evidence against them that leads to prosecution.

How much is the cash incentive?

If you're successful in helping the city identify the trash dumpers, city officials will pay you between $500 and $1000.

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Take it from this girl who lives in the city - while Camden has made huge strides toward cleanliness and improvement in recent years, this tool is certainly necessary! It could also be a powerful tool to catch dog owners who don't pick up their dogs' droppings. (There's a lot of them.)

At the same time, let's hope this doesn't propel overzealous vigilantes into conflict for the sake of making a few extra dollars.

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