Can You Believe THIS Used To Be Legal In New Jersey?
What used to be accepted back in the day will surprise you! We know these things are more than dangerous today but way back when it was not only legal to use these products or practices in New Jersey and beyond, it was recommended.
We’ve all heard that there used to be cocaine in Coca-a-cola (and you thought Coke was addictive now). It was considered normal to get a "bump" of energy but just wait until you hear these other "normal" products...
In 1898 Heroin was no problem at all. It was actually marketed as a cough medicine by Bayer. It was such a hit in the 1900's they expanded the heroin cough medicine to children who have colds or who were just irritable. Whoops.
Hopping up soldiers on meth. Not even kidding. Historians say that in World War II, soldiers were encouraged to pop a kind of meth pill called Pervitin to have them in a supernatural setting when in battle. Of course, it was recommended...it stimulated the central nervous system, made you stay awake, eat less (saving the military money) and it made you feel indestructible. Housewives would use it too if they needed a “boost” to finish their chores.
Do you want your skin or smile to have that special glow? Well, back in the 20s you could order up some Radiation makeup or toothpaste to stand out in a crowd. That was an ingredient used to "brighten things up". It makes me think of all the things future generations will make fun of us for using!
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