Earlier this month Facebook launched their own version of online dating called, ‘Facebook Dating’. As if there wasn’t enough dating apps already available, Facebook jumped on the bandwagon.

If you haven’t gotten any ads for it while browsing Facebook, they could have been right under your feet. In Center City Philly someone thought it would be cool to help Facebook by advertising the new dating feature all over the sidewalks. According to PhillyMag.com the ads were found at 19th and Market, 18th and JFK and 21st and Arch streets.

PhillyMag.com reported that the Facebook sidewalk ads aren’t actually approved by the city. On Wednesday Philly Mag reached out to the city’s deputy communications director to see if they had any clue when the ads were posted. The city’s deputy communications director response was, “We all saw these on social media today and have the same questions too!”

While the Streets Department has no record of Facebook reaching out for approval of these ads, a letter will be sent to Facebook requesting that they remove the ads within 24 hours. If the ads are not removed the Street Department will do so but will charge a fee for removal. If Facebook has absolutely nothing to do with this the head honchos will definitely not be happy to receive those fines.

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