Get Free Wings from Hooters on Valentine’s Day!
If you have someone to spend Valentine's Day with, then February 14th is a day filled with smiles, love and laughter. If you don't have someone to spend it with, it could be just another day for you or a day that your stuck thinking about your ex. Boo! Hooters has a way for you to get over your ex and have some awesome food on Valentine's Day! It's called the "Shred 'Em & Forget 'Em" even and it's pretty easy to get involved.
Just head over to Hooters' website, and pick how you wanna shred your ex's picture. You have the chose of virtually shredding your ex's picture online, or bringing it into a Hooters location (by the way, there's one right in the Mercer Mall in Lawrenceville). So whichever way to choose to shred, afterwards you'll receive 10 boneless wings for free, but you do need to buy 10 regular wings first.
Buffalo wings + Finally saying goodbye yo your ex = The best Valentine's Day ever!
Happy shredding!
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