Good Money Management Will Build Your Credit Back Up
Keeping up with a good credit score isn't easy. You can't max out your cards because there goes some points from your credit score. Can't have too many cards because it'll also hurt your score. Make a few late payments and that's gonna hurt you too. UGH!!! Just let me ball out of control without a problem.
For anyone that doesn't know how credit score works, lenders trust you depending on your credit. You must build your credit by getting a credit card, being an authorized user, credit builder loan etc. Long story short you pay your bills and lenders trust you with money, but if you dont pay up they will probablynot like you. You know what happens when someone doesn’t like you? They don’t give you stuff or help you out. Therefore your chances of getting anything may not be slimmer, but definitely way more expensive.
Alright, now to the cool stuff....FICO, one of the largest companies that provides peoples credit score is trying to make it easier for everyone to have good credit. Yes, you read that right. FICO is making big changes on how they calculate your score. If you happen to have great money management that will help you build your credit.
After decades of calculating scores on consistent on-time bill pay, the new and alternate credit check is UltraFICO. UltraFICO will show if you have overdrawn your account and how well you manage your finances. Once the new credit check is up and running banks are not required to use it. However, they can rely on this type of credit score if you happen to be struggling with the original credit check method.
Let us be big spenders . . . jk! Let's use our amazing credit for great investments :)