Philadelphia Magazine recently published the results of its Philadelphia Marriage Survey.

The survey included questions like "Do you keep your finances separate?" and "What do you argue about the most?"

Philadelphia Magazine also asked married couples a few "open-ended" questions like "What do you wish you’d known about marriage before tying the knot?"  (“That it’s not necessary. That it adds more pressure than it’s worth. That it’s okay to be happy and unmarried even if no one else understands.” was one of the more depressing answers to that question).

Of all of the questions asked, the most provocative one was probably "How often do you have sex?"

47% of respondents said they do it a few times a month.

37% answered 1-2 times per week.

6% said 3-4 times per week.

1% do it 5 or more times per week.  (I'm surprised these people even had time to take the survey.)

And 9% of respondents say they never do it.

To read more about this survey, click here.


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