Reese's is sending out remote-controlled doors to roll through neighborhoods on Halloween and dispense king-size Peanut Butter Cups. Let's get one here.

We've been saying it for months now,

There are no more rules in 2020... all crazy ideas are accepted. This is definitely the kind of idea we've been talking about. I don't know specifically where this idea came from, but I'm one of the brilliant minds at Reese's was forced to spend way too much time quarantined. How else can you explain a robotic, remote-controlled, candy dispensing door?

Here's how this thing works. The door works using a remote control from 5,000 feet away. A built-in Bluetooth speaker activates once “trick or treat” is said, prompting a king-size Reese’s candy bar to appear in the mail slot, according to The door is also tricked out with lights, a fog machine and a speakers blasting a Halloween soundtrack.

Head to @Reeses on Instagram and suggest Rockford and this next part is important... be sure to use the hashtag #ReesesDoor.

SWEET: Here are the most popular Halloween candies

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