Lawrence Township Gets EV Charging Stations
In an effort to become more sustainable, Lawrence Township has two new EV (Electronic Vehicle) Charging Stations at their Municipal Building on Lawrence Road, according to Facebook.
Municipal Manager, Kevin Nerwinski, told the community that once they get them up and running, one will be available and easily accessible to the public. There will be a charge, but, Nerwinski said it will be minimal, just enough to cover the costs to run it. More details will be announced soon about time limits, when you can start using it, and other concerns.
The 2nd EV Charging Station will be behind the municipal building for the township's two new electronic vehicles, which will be ultilized by the Health Department and Tax Assessor.
The township is thinking about converting all of its cars to electric, someday. Nerwinski said, "We will be paying close attention over the next year to determine whether it makes sense financially to convert our fleet of cars...over EVs. It is our hope that eliminating the cost to fuel and maintain our gas vehicles, while still getting reliable use from them for our becomes clear that this sustainable effort was well worth it environmentally and financially."
I'm definitely starting to see more and more Electronic Vehicle Charging Stations popping up in our area. Although, maybe I'm just noticing them more...they may not be new. When I was in the Princeton Shopping Center on Harrison Street, I parked right next to a spot designated for electric cars, so they could charge. The new Robbinsville Quick Check has a few as well.