I feel like a lot of people underestimate the coronavirus and expected life to go back to normal in a few months after we learned about. But, here we are months after the very first case showed up in the United States, and life is not back to normal. Experts say we need to adjust to a new normal and we shouldn't expect everything to reopen all at once  and we shouldn't expect to get back to doing the things we have done for years and years. Many events that were scheduled to happen have either been postponed or rescheduled to fears of large crowds and spreading the virus even more. New Jersey has been doing a great job at wearing masks and practicing social distancing and numbers of coronavirus cases and hospital admissions and deaths are proof of that. If events haven't been canceled, they have been slightly adjusted, like moving them outside and encouraging social distancing. One event in Medford looks like a lot of fun that will combine both of those things.

According to their website, Laker Lights is an event that takes place on August 1st on the lakes and people are encouraged to light themselves up. Not just themselves, but their bikes as well. They encourage you to buy LED string lights and get creative. Once you're all decked out, just take a picture of your or your family's lit up outfit and it can be submitted for prizes. The prizes are gift cards to local businesses. I am an extremely competitive person and I love winning prizes, so I would be all over this. There are many guidelines to keep everyone safe, but it looks like it could be a fun time.


If you need anymore information, please check out their website. You can also contact someone at 609-685-2536 or email them at Lakerlights2020@gmail.com

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