Mercer County Job Fair at Cure Insurance Arena Next Week
Those looking for a job, the Cure Insurance Arena is having a drive thru job fair next week on Wednesday September 29th from 11am-1pm.
Those interested are asked to wear a mask and drive up to Cure Insurance Arena next Monday. Drivers will be handed a bag with info about area companies that are hiring. The bag will be filled with info about more than 70 employers who are looking for help.
Companies that are hiring include Amazon, Capitol Health, Hamilton Township, Thomas Edison University and more. Positions are in warehousing, medical personnel, food services and more.
To register for the Cure Insurance Arena Drive Thru Job Fair click here.
This pandemic has been extremely hard all around. We have lost millions of lives and some people think their lives are over if they've been let go from their jobs. I know that I am extremely fortunate to be employed and I am grateful that my husband has a job as well.
I know there are people that do not have a job right now and it is a struggle. I honestly would be devastated if me or my husband lost our jobs. I know that if that happened, both my husband and I would be out applying for ANYTHING we could get. We have a house and a son to support, so even if we wouldn't be working right away in our desired fields, we would still have income coming in.
I encourage all those who are looking for a job to attend this job fair. You could find your next job.
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