NJ Beachgoer Reunited With His Wallet Thanks to TikTok
This guy in New Jersey was reunited with his wallet all because of TikTok. This isn't the first time someone has been reunited with lost items because of TikTok and whenever I see a story like this it makes me put more faith into social media.
I saw a TikTok a few days ago of this group of kids who found a wallet that was lost in Ocean City, New Jersey. They posted a TikTok of them finding the wallet, finding a picture inside, and getting a name.
The crew posted the details on TikTok and even reassured everyone that they didn't steal anything from the wallet or anything like that, they just wanted to find its owner.
They took the wallet and found the guy's name, out the wallet in the bottom of a bush outside of 'Ocean Manor' in Ocean City, New Jersey. The comment section was full of some really witty and hilarious comments also. Some people were making fake accounts as this guy "Jake" and thanking the guys for finding it.
Sure enough, after only a few hours it seems like, the real "Jake" had located his wallet! He found the original creator on TikTok and connected with him to thank him.
This story honestly restores my faith in humanity and it's always impressive when TikTok can do such great things like this!
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