NJ Devils Player to Host a New NHL Trivia Show
Sports have fallen to the way side since all major events and gatherings have been either canceled or postponed due the spreading of the Coronavirus. Restrictions on public gatherings and social distancing recommendations have shut down major sporting events around the globe – including the Olympics.
For those who have grown tired of the constant show binging and reruns featured on weekend television there is a new show coming brought together by New Jersey Devils defenseman P.K. Subban and the NHL.
According to Star Tribune, the new planned show will be featured on Saturdays and is called the NHL Hat Trick Trivia. Hosting the weekly 30-minute show will be Subban, who will ask contestants hockey-based trivia questions. The show’s winner will receive tickets to any game next season.
The show will be filmed remotely for safety supposes. Subban will host from his living room on Los Angeles while contestants are filmed from home. A special guest player will be featured each week, with Tampa Bay Lightning’s very own Patrick Maroon being this week’s guest.
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