The UK had a Concert with Social Distancing & It Looked Awesome
I think we can all agree that we miss the way life used to be. The days when we didn't need to wear a mask wherever we went, we weren't putting on hand sanitizer every five seconds, and we could see our loved ones whenever we wanted to. We used to be able to eat inside a restaurant and we used to be able to see our favorite artists perform in sold out concerts. Now due to the coronavirus pandemic, all that has changed and I feel like we are all longing for some normalcy. Some things I am okay with not doing, but I definitely miss a lot and I definitely miss concerts. The other day a Facebook memory came up of me and my girls tailgating before a concert and gosh I miss it. So of course, I Googled concerts and this article from CNN came up.
In the U.K. an experiment took place over the weekend. That experiment? A concert with a solution for social distancing. Check out this Twitter video of how the layout looked.
This specific concert took place at the the Virgin Money Unity Arena in Northern England. Social distancing happened the second concert attendees arrived and they were walked to their specific area. There were 2,500 people outdoors and you were allowed to sit with up to five people on a platform or in an enclosed area with gates around you.
Seriously, I want this to come to the U.S. I love it! I loved going to concerts, but I am short, so people often step on me and I get so mad about it. This would be the perfect solution for me.
For more info, check out this article on CNN.
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