There’s A Chance You Can Be The Next Owner Of Rowan College
If you are a proud Rowan Alumni and would love to own part of the campus, this news is for you! There is currently 225 acres of land on Rowan’s campus up for sale. According to, this isn't something that recently went on the market. In January there was a deadline to put out a proposal to buy and revamp the property. reported that there were no completed bids.
The college president, Michael Cioce, mentioned to that he has hopes that the land will be sold since "the property location, size and characteristic make it unique.” Cioce also said that others have been interested in making the big purchase.
If you are interested in knowing what parts of the college campus are up for sale, let us share that with you. There is an aquatic center, lecture halls and student centers. If you think it's a great investment, maybe it is, but theres something that comes along with it and that is a lawsuit. Yup, you heard that correct . . . a law suit.
Burlington County is suing Pemberton Township because this Rowan campus is located on Pemberton-Browns Mills Road and rezoned without jurisdiction, according to Burlington County wasn't happy about that and now wants some money for it.
Don't say we didn't warn you if you become the owner.