This Year’s Seaside Park NAMI NJ Walk Moves Online
Now more than ever it's so important for all of us to think about mental health, our own and that of our loved ones, too. Especially with the stresses of everyday life being compounded by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic as well this year.
Of course, the coronavirus situation also makes it difficult to hold large in-person events, so the folks at The National Alliance on Mental Illness of New Jersey have made the announcement that this year's NAMIWalks 5k is moving online.
Instead of an in-person 5k walk on the Seaside Park boardwalk, the 2020 event will be a virtual one called, "NAMIWalks Your Way" on Saturday, September 26th.
In a Wednesday press release, the folks at NAMI NJ are encouraging participants to pick an activity of their choice to join in:
...Participants will choose an activity of their choice and join virtually with mental health advocates from across the state. Many participants still plan to walk, using their treadmill or going outside in the backyard or through a local park—all while taking precautions to stay safe. Others plan to hula-hoop, flip pancakes, practice yoga or do another activity they enjoy.
The press release goes on to point out that while one in five adults experience mental illness, it impacts all of us either directly or indirectly.
With everything going on in the world, it's more important than ever to talk about mental health issues openly and to help remove the stigma of discussing mental health issues.
You can get much more information from the National Alliance on Mental Illness of New Jersey's official website by clicking here, and you can follow their Facebook page by clicking here.