Virtual Fundraiser This Sunday For Bucks County Homeless Shelter
During these tough times, many people in our communities have been affected in different ways and some have even lost their homes. We learned from Bucks County Courier Times that this Sunday there will be a very special event that will try to raise money for Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter.
According to Bucks County Courier Times, on Sunday, January 17th there will be a virtual screening of the film "Organic." We learned that the virtual screening benefiting Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter is free but there is a suggested donation of $10.
All procceeds will go to Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter to provide more organic produce.
The virtual fundraiser screening is of the film "Organic." Bucks County Courier Times made it know that the film is by "Grammy-nominated composer and performer Jonathan Sprout" who is locally based.
The virtual screening will be this Sunday at 7 pm. If you would like to be part of the fun Bucks County Courier Times made it known that you must RSVP. To reserve your spot you must go through the Eventbrite website.
On the Eventbrite website it was stated that Force For Good's are the ones organizing the virtual screening. We learned that Force For Good's has a mission which is to "inspire and empower people to promote positive change by creating uplifting music and films."
If you want to have a family movie night and help the Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter this can be a great plan for you and your family.