What Does Mercury Retrograde and a Solar Eclipse Mean for You?
I definitely feel like the universe as a whole has an impact on our daily lives and even the slightest shift can affect us. So, as I started to see more and more memes about Mercury Retrograde coming, I braced myself for impact.
Stephanie Burke is a local Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. We reached out to her to find out what this cosmic event means for us. According to her, not only did Mercury Retrograde begin on Thursday, June 18, but this weekend will also be a solar eclipse during a New Moon. No, the world is not going to end. We won't be able to see the eclipse, but it will still have an impact on our technology.
The New Moon will be on Sunday, June 21 at 2:41 am. “New Moons are generally a time where you want to start to think about what you want life to look like by the next New Moon. What do you want in your life? Start to manifest that positivity.” Burke describes manifestation as a wish list of things you want to bring into your life. So, this is the best time to sit down and focus on those changes you want to make.
It turns out that Mercury Retrograde gets a bad rap. “Even though people think it’s negative because things do tend to go wrong, it’s meant to lead you to something positive,” said Burke. Humans tend to get busy and stay busy. With everyone rushing around, it makes it difficult to refocus on important personal goals and the life you always imagined yourself leading. “Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to slow down and focus on realigning your own path.”
“People do get really freaked out by it. The things that Mercury is known for is the technology going haywire, or large appliances breaking down. Some say not to take trips, book surgery, or sign contracts during this time out of fear. Although life will seem tough for a little while, it won’t be as bad if you slow down and refocus on the things you need to accomplish,” said Burke. “Slow down before Mercury forces you to slow down.” This three-week period will end on Sunday, July 12.
Because Mercury is the planet of communication, you can bet that this retrograde will lead to some miscommunication, misunderstandings, and general issues when it comes to how we interact with others.
Burke does tell us ways to survive it. “Be mindful of your word choices and be patient with others. Be slow to anger. Think before you act. We’ll all be ok.” Not even Burke, who is an expert in things related to the universe is immune to retrograde and its effects. “I can’t even make up some of the stuff that’s happened to me during retrograde and I wish I’d prepared myself better.”
The first step is to acknowledge that this is happening. The second is to harvest the energy of the new moon and mercury retrograde to set yourself up for success starting Sunday, July 12.