What’s Happening to The Marlton Diner in Evesham Twp. NJ?
The recently closed Marlton Diner in Evesham Township NJ is the subject of buzzing speculation after a mysterious new addition appeared around the emptied property.
Some months ago, the Marlton Diner, located at 781 Rte 70 W, in Evesham Township NJ, permanently closed its doors after a decades-long run. (It was originally a Denny's in the 80's!)
Not long after it closed its doors, it seemed as though there were future plans in the works for the building, possibly to be repurposed into another marijuana dispensary, since Enlighten Health & Wellness had released plans detailing proceedings in acquiring the now-empty space.
There haven't been any concrete plans laid out for if and when that will happen. But now there's something else that's got locals talking.
According to a picture posted two theFacebook community group A View From Evesham, a mysterious fencing perimeter has now appeared surrounding the old diner, barricading any trespassers and wandererss from entering.
Though the sign posted on the fence is hard to read, the implied message is clear: Do Not Enter.
And it's got everyone talking.
"Demolitions is usually what the fence means," said one Facebook user.
"I saw two people just sitting on the steps over the weekend. It’s possible they just want people off the property. Could be something else. Who knows?" said another.
"My realtor said China Gourmet (restaurant in Philadelphia) brought the place," said someone else.
These are just whispers, rumors and theories of course, but it's anybody's guess. Nothing has been announced or confirmed for the future of this place.
Personally as someone who's grown up going to the Marlton Diner, my hope is that it won't be demolished, but rather repurposed into something useful/fun that the locals can enjoy.
We'll keep an eye on this mystery. Have you heard anything? What would you like to see happen to the place? Let us know!
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