You Can Win FREE Tickets To See Lil Nas X’s Sold Out Show in Philly Tonight!
Do you want last-minute tickets to see Lil Nas X tonight? You can win them as a thank you just for having the PST app.
It's easy to win.
Step 1:
Download the 94.5 PST App.
Don't have the app? Download it right now.
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Turn On Our App Alerts
At some point between now and 2 pm, we'll send you an App Alert with how you'll win tickets to the show. Yeah, we'll push the contest to ONLY those who have turned on our contest app alerts on the PST App.
We won't even mention it on-air. It's just ANOTHER Way of saying thank you for having the PST app. Don't have App Alerts turned on? It's super easy. Here's how: