Brett Breslow is a 50-year-old Navy veteran who coaches Cherry Hill football and he needs your help to save his life. Breslow is in critical condition at Cooper after testing positive for the novel coronavirus. There may be a way to save him. Here's where you or someone you know comes in.

The FDA has approved the emergency exchange investigational trial, which involves using the blood plasma from a recovered coronavirus patient in order to treat another in critical condition. Amy Breslow is hoping this trial can save her husband's life.

What they need, quite simply, is someone who has had coronavirus and has been symptom-free for 14 days. This experimental treatment could not only save Brett's life but countless others in New Jersey. Your plasma donation could help turn this whole pandemic around.

Please if you or someone you know meets this criteria, contact Brett's brother, Peter Breslow, at

Peter tells us:

Brett is a U.S. Navy Gulf War Veteran, theater dad, an amazing husband, youth football coach, and Lockheed Martin engineer. He’s a Temple University grad (undergrad and graduate degrees), and pretty much a typical healthy 50-year-old. His being hospitalized last Friday and in the ICU on a ventilator for a week has been completely shocking to us. He was sick for a few days last week, and then last Friday night he was having trouble breathing when Amy called their family doctor, who set them up with an appointment at Cooper Hospital’s emergency department immediately.

We’re asking for prayers and plasma donations earmarked for Cooper Hospital from your listeners, as the plasma from people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 who are 14 days symptom free can be used to help Brett and others who are hospitalized fight this virus.

Here's what they're looking for:

Anyone who has recovered from COVID-19 and is symptom free for 14 or more days can donate plasma at the Blood Bank of Delmarva in Newark, DE, at any Vitalant (125 locations throughout the U.S.) or the New York Blood Center, and ask for the plasma to be sent to Cooper Hospital in Camden, NJ for Brett Breslow.

If you're interested in helping, here's what Brett's wife Amy say's the following criteria must be met:

  • Prior positive diagnosis of COVID-19 documented by a
    laboratory test.
  • Must meet all regular blood donor eligibility criteria.
  • Complete resolution of symptoms at least 14 days prior to
  • Prior to donation must have negative results for COVID-19.
    either from one or more nasopharyngeal swab specimens or by a molecular
    diagnostic test from blood. A partial list of available tests can be accessed here.
  • Male donors or Female donors negative for HLA antibodies.
  • Defined SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody titers, if testing
    can be conducted (e.g., optimally greater than 1:320).
  • A form stating that the criteria have been met must be signed by a licensed physician, which can be found here.

Here are all of the plasma centers’ website addresses:

Here's hoping and praying you can help.

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