If you've never tip-toed through the tulips, you will be amazed. This is something that is truly beautiful and it will lift those spirits right up.

It is truly something I enjoy every year. Tulips say, "SPRING." When I say "TULIPS", tulips are everywhere the eye can see. And you can pick the tulips, too. These amazing tulips are at Holland Ridge Farms in Cream Ridge.

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I went last year with some girlfriends and took my daughter and she absolutely loved it.

Sue Moll / Townsquare Media
yanif, Getty Images
yanif, Getty Images

You can pick these beautiful tulips. Opening day for Holland Ridge Farms is Friday, April 7th, 2023. From the farm's website

When you buy your tickets you will be able to choose your date for picking.

Literally, you will be "Tiptoeing through the Tulips". The beauty of this family-owned farm is spectacular. Your eyes won't believe it. Tulips have always been my favorite and when I see tulips, I think of spring, immediately.

Please reserve your tickets before you head to the farm. They will give you a time to start your day and then stay all day picking the tulips.

Ticket prices according to Holland Ridge Farm's Facebook page:

Tickets will go on sale about a week before we open at shop.hollandridgefarms.com. Tickets are $15 per person age 3 and up. You will select an arrival time and can stay at the farm as long as you like until we close at 6pm. We are a rain or shine event and tickets are non-refundable.

Tulip hours:

Monday 9 am to 6 pm
Tuesday 9 am to 6 pm
Wednesday 9 am to 6 pm
Thursday 9 am to 6 pm
Friday 9 am to 6 pm

Weekends get incredibly busy, reserve your ticket today.

Saturday 9 am to 6 pm
Sunday 9 am to 6 pm

Think of the awesome photo opportunities for your whole family. You will be amazed after seeing all these tulips.

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