If Your Car Has a Keyless Starter, Don’t Do This
Keyless ignition is a great feature that is included with most new cars, but according to an article on USA Today, it is also causing a rise in auto thefts. Experts say that careless drivers are leaving their key fobs in their vehicles, making them easy targets for thieves. Rather than having to break into a vehicle and hot wiring the ignition, a thief open an unlocked door and push the start button.
USA Today also reports that the incentive for thieves to steal cars is increasing because the value of the average is at an all-time high at $37,188. Frank Scafidi, director of public affairs at the National Insurance Crime Bureau, told USA Today that eventually, car makers will employ technology, like fingerprint scanning, will make it tougher for thieves to steal your car, but in the meantime, drivers should follow these common-sense practices: "1. Lock your car. 2.Use the Club, a theft-prevention device. 3.Park your car in well-lit places. and 4.Don't leave your key in the car."
Also, while any car could be stolen in any area, statistics show that the metro area in New Jersey with the most stolen cars is Trenton. And the most stolen car model in the state is the Honda Civic.
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