Lawrence Police Release Halloween Safety Tips
Lawrence Township PBA Local #119 has released some tips for having a happy and safe Halloween, especially with rain in tomorrow night's weather forecast.
They posted the "Scare Safe" list from the American Safety Council on their Facebook page. They're all common sense, but, can be easily forgotten when your kids are out Trick or Treating, having fun, and not paying attention.
Here they are, so you can do a have a little refresher course before they head out.
Stay in groups
Costumes should be well fitting and flame resistant
Always test makeup
Remember to look both ways when crossing streets
Examine all treats before eating
Stay on sidewalks when possible
Avoid dark houses
Flashlights or glowsticks for visibility
Enjoy with caution!
I totally remember my mom going over safety tips with me and my sister before going out Trick or Treating. We weren't allowed to wear masks because she said we couldn't see where we were walking with them on. Awww, come on, we would have been fine. Lol. My dad always said he had to "check" our candy to make sure it was safe...by eating it. What? Well played, Dad, well played.
Happy Halloween to all celebrating. Stay dry.
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